Friday, June 20, 2008

American (or is it Korean) fast food

Yesterday and today (during my trips to Seoul) we had American fast food. Thursday for lunch we got McDonald's at the Seoul Train station. It tasted for the most part like McDonald's. They had a shrimp burger that i wasn't brave enough to try and the meat on their burgers was very pale... what type of meat is it really????? Friday we had KFC at the same train station. On the menu I didn't see any of the traditional KFC things so I ended up getting a spicy chicken sandwich. On the sandwich they had a hash brown (like McDonald's breakfast ones). I enjoyed the sandwich but it isn't anything that I could ever get in America.
The question is.... is it American fast food or Korean fast food?
I went to Seoul Thursday and Friday to take care of the criminal background check for my E2 visa. Thursday I asked the Korean going with us if we needed the checks that we had previously done and she said no because they had to do a new one. We got there and found out that they did need it and couldn't do the seal (which was really all we needed) with out it. So we went home and went out on Friday to do it all over again. Friday I did remember to bring my criminal background check and after sitting in the American Embassy for almost 2 hrs (it was very busy that day) we finally did get a seal put on it and signed and all that. To get back to Asan on time we had to get on the 11:18 train from Seoul station but didn't get finished at the embassy until 11:15 so we missed the train :( We finally did get back to Asan just after 2 and to the school around 2:30 (classes started at 2 pm).
So I have taken 2 trips to Seoul and seen nothing more then what I see through a taxi and the American Embassy. At the Embassy there were Korean police stationed all around it because of the riots over the American Beef. They had buses sitting beside the embassy with all the police riot stuff ready in case another riot happened there.
Maybe I will take another trip into Seoul this weekend and go see the city (no.. not likely I dont want to spend another 90 on the train each way so soon...)