Sunday, June 1, 2008

14 hour flight +2 hour drive = arrival at my new home (well almost my new home)

I have landed in Korea. The flight was long (14 hours) but uneventful and then from the airport we drove about 2 hours to get to the hotel that I am staying at for a few days. On Saturday I meet all the other teachers at the school and we found out our schedules. I will be teaching a total of 5 hours every day with kids ranging from Kindergarten (about 4 yrs old) to middle school students and all ranges of english knowledge. Jetlag definatly hit saturday afternoon and I fell asleep while planning my lessons for next week but the nap refreshed me and I was still able to get a good night sleep that night. Hopefully that is the end of my jetlag and I am not going to experience any more nights like the first one where I woke up at midnight and couldnt fall back asleep because it was 2 pm home time. But I have arrived safely and will update yall more when I get to my appartment and get internet working there.


Malia said...

Glad to hear things are going well! Keep us posted, and have fun. I've passed this website on to several others, so hopefully there will be other people posting.

SewingScientist said...

Glad to hear you are arived and (sorta) setting in. hope you get long term housing figured out soon.