Saturday, August 30, 2008

1 term finished as 'a Englishee Teecher'

I have finished the first term here at the school and monday starts a new term. Again I will be teaching 4 classes in the afternoon but different levels. I have a level 1 (those that passed starter), my same preschool class, Level 3 (those that passed level 2), and my same Middle School Class. I figured i would say goodbye to my old classes with class pictures I took of the students during the last week.

Kindergarten classes

Backpack Starter Class

Preschool Class

Backpack Level 2 (the boys and girls refused to get together for a picture)

I dont have any pictures of my advanced class (Because they always hide if i pull out the camera)

So those are my students for the first term. Next week I will see who my new students are and who i have again from previous classes.